In the system of the equations when you are been asked to solve the two equations or more than that at the same time than it has become very difficult and in the mathematics, this problems create many problems to the students. The functions of x and the y or we can take as a and b these problems are very tricky and at the first glance, people gets confused on how to solve it. When you go to solve for x than you should learn the basic of all the algebra skills, if you will know the basic of algebra than you can easily solve the problem of x function, if you learning the algebra through the visual than you should first learn about the graph and its equation. Just have the view on what is going in the graph and its solution.
You can move the variables to the both sides of the equation
The moving of the variables to the other side this method is known as the substitution method. This method starts with the solve for x or any different variables which is given in the equation; we can say that 5x+3y = 7 and 4x+2y = 9 here you can rearrange the equation and can do the subtraction by 2y from every side of the equation. This method can also be used for the fractions of the equation.
Solve for X |
The division method can also be used for solve for x
When you get the x term for solving in the one side of the whole equation, than here you can solve the term for x by dividing both the sides of the equation, you can divide the both sides to the equation, and there you can get the variable alone. This method can make your solution easier.
One method is the cross multiplication
To solve for x you can also take the help of the cross multiplication; the cross multiplication method is very easy you can simply multiply the denominator of the every and the each fraction to the numerator of the fraction of another side. Means you can multiply the two diagonal lines. In this method, you should multiply the second denominator to the first numerator. There are many ways to solve for x; you can use any method for the solution of the x you just have to learn all the basic of the algebraic function.
Another method is the solving x by the help of square roots
The solution of the x is also done by taking the square root on each and every side of the equation. When you take the square root of the both equation than the square root will cancel out, so you can take the square root on both the sides. There are many methods which can help you out in the solution of the x, you can pick any method according to your understanding the solution of the x can be solved by any algebraic method and there solutions are given in many books, and also you can find on the internet several websites provide all the solve for x in different methods.
Reasons that force a person to get an education about traditional values in our culture. It has been a debate for quite some time now if schools are supposed to teach values education. Math answers refer to correct solutions to mathematical problems. Teachers are to teach values through discussing, modeling and imparting value related issues. Teachers teach values principles through existing topics and subjects. Values education is added into mathematics curricula and ways to teach math. The focus is on enhancing values education using a problem-solving way of approach to teaching mathematics.
Math Answers |
Quotations of Values Education
• Proper student preparations to handle life challenges
• To generate common sense and adequate general knowledge
• Being discriminating in the use of knowledge, i.e. to learn when is appropriate to use knowledge and for what reasons
• Incorporating what we learn in school in our lives
• Arousing interest and attention in knowledge that’s mastered in a suitable way.
To enhance values by teaching math through problem-solving approach
Individuals should learn to think wisely in this constantly changing world especially now when technology has made it easier to manipulate and access information. People need to adapt quickly to unpredictable and unfamiliar situations. Mathematical; teachings encompass functions and skills that we require ion life;
1. To find directions on a map
2. Knowledge of weather reports
3. Knowing changing economic indicators
4. Learn ways of loan repayment
5. Determining returns before purchasing a commodity
Presenting an individual problem and teaching skills necessary to tackle the problem is better motivational than developing skills minus the context. The student sees a reason to learn mathematics and become deeply interested in knowing more. Problem-solving approach improves logical thinking and enhance rational decision-making and inattentiveness. It also enhances personal growth in full especially after going through a range of feelings and emotions associated with specific solution process stages.
Types of Problem-Solving Approaches
Problem solving methods enhance values education and offer suggestions on its application in mathematical program.
• Word problem- The student uses the concept that’s embedded in a situation in the real world to recognize and apply the relevant algorithm to solve it.
• Non-routine questions that require interpretation of the problem’s information rather than the recognition of the algorithm to use.
• Real problems that entails problem investigation to the student but doesn’t necessarily have a solution.
Problem solving approach is a crucial tool in teaching life values education. It promotes interest, power of discrimination and develops common sense. The approach encourages the concept of flexibility, ability to tackle situations that lack immediate solutions or responding to various situations. It encourages hard work and perseverance when faced with failure. A problem-solving approach opens up students minds to build up their own ideas and take full responsibility for their own learning. The mathematical skills that people learn while in class or in our communities are important skills in life and help them in handling life struggles that are a challenge to themselves and the society as a whole. Resource link: