Monday, May 1, 2017

How to Use Equation Solver?

Mathematical equations are those equations with an equal sign in between them. The equations are categorized into linear equations, which could consist of one, two or three variables, radical equations, exponential equations and quadratic equations.

What is an equation solver?

An equation solver is basically the formula to use in order to solve an equation. The formula can be, complete square method, factoring, quadratic formula. Most of them are used to solve quadratic equations.
The complete square method is appropriate to use especially when the factoring a quadratic equation does not work. It can also be applicable when finding irrational and complex roots.
How it work:
Take the equation to be  

On the other hand, quadratic formula is best used to solve a quadratic equation when neither complete square method nor factoring method produces the right results or is hard to use in certain equations. It can also be used by someone who is in a hurry but also knows how to use the formula.

The formula looks like this: 

X, in this case, will represent the variable we are looking for while the other letters a, be and c are random numbers. They are used as numerical coefficients of any given quadratic equation.
An example of a quadratic equation resembles the equation below.
 A linear equation can have one variable like 4x+10= 6 

Or two variables like the equation below 6y+5y= 12

Or even three variables like equation below. 2x+5y-9z

Solving practical example

Let us take a practical look at how to solve an equation using any the mentioned methods.

Our quadratic equation will be.  

We will use the quadratic formula as our equation solver in our case.

Since we know that

Then solving the equation will not be that difficult. As usual, we will substitute letters a, b and c in the formula with the values 1, 3 and -9. The equation will change to be 

After doing the calculations and doing it correctly, the values for x here should be 1.854 and -4.855. If your answer is different from mine, you need to double check your steps again. Chances are, you missed a step, or you forgot to input a certain value or may have substituted the values for a, b and c wrongly. Do that, and I am sure you will land on an answer that is same to mine.

Did I forget to mention that if you do not know how to use any of the formulas, I touched on at the top of this article where you can get help? I think I did. Let me tell you where you can go and learn all what I have mentioned here. The site is It is really helpful most to those who did not understand what their math teacher or lecturer, depending on your level of education, taught. You may have missed a math class too. The best you can do to catch up with the rest of the class is to visit this site and start learning.