Saturday, January 28, 2017

How To Use QuickMath Simplify Calculator

The simplify command will be encountered in several mathematical courses and operations. However, the operation is most common in algebraic equations. Simplifying basically means coming up with the simplest form in which that particular equation or expression can be represented in. There should be no real numbers that cancel each other out on either side of the equation. For example, 2x + 4y is not in its simplest form. It still can be represented as 2(x+2y).When simplifying algebraic expressions, the first step is to clear the brackets. That basically means multiplying the numbers outside the brackets with the numbers and variables inside the brackets.
QuickMath Simplify Calculator
QuickMath Simplify Calculator

When using QuickMath calculator, users will be required to log in to The homepage will display the calculator interface. There will be a set of dedicated operations on the side bar of the page. There, choose the algebra category, on the simplify options. A type box will appear where you will be required to enter the expression to be simplified.

How to Enter Expressions on QuickMath Calculator

Most users go wrong or get the wrong results because of the wrong entered data. QuickMath calculator supports the brackets option, so always try as much as possible to make use of brackets whenever necessary. If the expressions have been gotten from an official or exam paper, enter it as it is written, without unnecessary changes.
When dividing fractions, enclose each individual fraction in brackets; for example, x+y should be enclosed; (x+y) before even typing the divide function. Pick on all the related fractions; enclose them in brackets and then move ahead to divide them. ((x+y) / (m-n) / 2; means that the first expression will be divided by the consequent fraction, then the result be divided by two. Note that there is also a bracket at the starting and closing of the whole expression too. The same case will apply for divisions and any type of fraction. Make sure that the main operation sign is individual outside brackets but inside the common brackets designated for the whole expression.

Why Use QuickMath Simplify Calculator

QuickMath calculator has a remote server, which enables users to access and use it online. The server uses a powerful computer based algebraic package, which ensures that all algebraic expressions can be processed and solved in real time and high levels of accuracy. The calculator also returns results in no more than 5 seconds, which are displayed on your browser. If you are interested in the specific steps that have been followed in coming up with the particular simplified results being displayed, you can follow through the displayed results, or even print the results for further use and reference. Remember that you do not have to necessarily download the calculator. All you need is an internet connection, and you will be set to enjoy the best and easy to use simplify online calculator available today. 

Monday, January 2, 2017

Why are Fractions Important

To most students and parents, fractions are considered as nothing more than torture which needs to be endured. Most struggle to think why and when fractions will ever be required in life. They wonder if they can just leave out fractions and continue with the rest of Math. However, sadly this is not possible.

Fractions are extremely important. Fractions are needed multiple times a day when assessing situations. It is used to divide workloads, to drive a car or when planning meals. Fractions are needed by architects, doctors and people in various technical fields. Fractions are needed for carrying out specific calculations. Doctors need fractions for cases else they will cut the patient a centimeter too deep and will either mutilate or kill the patient.
Houses need a foundation. If they are built without foundation, the house will be damp and muddy as it will be built on sand and mud. At some point in time, the house will collapse due to this. The same way, fractions are similar to the foundation of the house. It is needed to hold the walls up. Without fractions, one is not able to do algebra at all.

Dividing Fractions
Dividing Fractions

Fractions are needed when dividing a meal, pizza or more. It is needed to get good grades; it is needed to progress in life and for so many things.

For a practical example of how dividing fractions comes into use : Suppose you have eaten a quarter of a pizza and are left with just three-quarters of it, and there are four people who walk into the room, and one says – can we have two-fifths of the pizza, you will need to check and divide three-fourths by two-fifths, and you will see that it means that you do not have enough pizza as it would mean one pizza and seven eights of the next.

Another example of where it could be used is when you have 1 acre and two-thirds of the second and the zoning requirements of the country state that you need one-thirds of the acre for putting a septic tank, you will need to see how many subplots you can divide the land into, so that the requirement is fulfilled.

There are times when carpenters need to know fractions when they need to cut out lumber which is non-integer pieces.

When you want to know dividing fractions, the rule is simple. Any number which is multiplied by the reciprocal is 1. Any number multiplied by 1 is the number, and 1 is the multiplicative identity. If a number is divided by one, it is the same number. Which means if 1 is the denominator in the fraction the only the numerator should be used.

So the first numerator divided by the first denominator when it has to be divided by the second numerator divided by the second denominator can be written as the first numerator divided by the first denominator multiplied by the second denominator divided by the second numerator. This is also known as flipping.