Monday, June 25, 2018

How is a Quadratic Formula Derived

As usual mathematics requires understanding, this is because a quadratic solution can be twisted in such a way that not many can solve it. Factoring a quadratic formula is very easy and most people prefer using it but in some situations the quadratic can be messy and only the quadratic formula can solve the problem.

Letter “a, b and c” are defined as numerical coefficients given for you to solve in the quadratic equation. The formula has been derived from completing the square. For the formula to become useful, you are required to arrange the equation in a way that the quadratic is equal to zero (quadratic=0). The best way to understand and get it very clearly, is practicing more and more until you become perfect.

How is quadratic formula derived?

As said earlier a quadratic formula is derived from completing a square. To get to the equation you will start by dividing the equation by a which is not a zero and the subtract from both sides. At this stage, the quadratic equation is in a form where the method used to complete the square can be applied. The next step is to add a constant which is required of you to do it on both sides of this equation. By doing this you will make sure that the left side of equation is a complete square. Rearrange the terms on the right side to obtain a common denominator.

This is the step where the square is completed. When you take the square root of the two sides you will get various equations. If you isolate x you will also get a quadratic equation, on the other hand the plus and minus symbol shows that they are both a quadratic equation solution. Factoring a quadratic equation should be the basic knowledge that one should acquire, Quickmath has the ability to make sure that each step has been done and that the reader is in a position to understand everything.

The basic things that one should put in mind is how to put the like terms together, the step is easy and anyone can be able to do so. After you have combined all like terms move them to one side, make sure you know what are like terms. If the equation is hard for you to solve is the place to seek for assistance and knowledge. Quadratic equations especially if they are not directly set in most cases uses the quadratic formula to get into the correct and accurate answer. learn the basic first and with practice you will easily solve any give quadratic equation using the quadratic formula.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Human society has always used Mathematics in almost every facet of their lives. It was first developed by the early Sumerians and since then has become a part of every human being. It was first only used for measuring or calculating time, distance or quantity. But as technology and societies advanced the form of Math also evolved. Man’s curiosity in the physical world leads to more complicated and developed forms of Math.

Now the study of Math has become part and parcel of every student’s lives. It might start with simple pen and paper calculations which develop into the usage of the electronic calculator or the computer. Now it has very simply taken the form of online calculators. Students these days can use free solvers and math calculators online to help them solve just about any kind of math problems. Simple addition or subtraction to multiplying polynomials is handled. Some examples of such sites are Mathway, MathPapa, WebMath, Byju’s and so on. Different sites specialize in different kinds of operations. Most of them include solving basic math, algebra, geometry and then it can get more complicated with trigonometry, calculus, finite math, statistics, chemistry problems and linear algebra. Most of these sites are free whereas some might require a fee if you want to see the explanations.

All you need to do is type in the problem in the text box given and click the ‘calculate’ or any such similar button. The sites which ask for a fee to see the explanation will give you the answer and the explanation would be blurred. Some sites even have some interesting functions like finding out the odds to win the lottery.

Such apps are mostly accurate. But nothing is guaranteed or error proof. So it is best that students do not depend on these completely for multiplying polynomials or other math operations. They can use these to learn the basics or for checking their answers.
Now if we specifically look into polynomials; this is how a polynomial would look like –
4xy² + 3x – 5 with 3 terms

If you want to get into multiplying polynomials, you need to multiply every term in one polynomial with every term in the other one. Then you just have to add the answers you get and simplify further if required. Let us look at a very simple example.
·         Monomial with a monomial
(2xy)(3y) = 6xy²

You first multiply all the constants and then get to the variables.
·         Monomial with binomials
2x(x + 4xy) = 2x² + 8x²y

These are just simple examples. For complicated calculations, such solvers and online calculators come in handy. One can make such calculators a good medium to learn and have some fun.  Some children and students develop a fear towards math. That is mainly due to their weak foundations. Calculators can make it easy for such students too. They just need to start right from the A, B, C’s and then take it from there. All academics can be made fun if you start it the right way. 

Friday, June 30, 2017

Why use the Factor Calculator for Solving Algebraic Equations?

You commonly use a calculator for getting the answer of lengthy sum or difference. The calculator makes it easy to calculate different operations of large numbers quickly. Likewise, you can use the factor calculator in the same fashion. It is an online tool which allows you to calculate the factors of large numbers. The great thing about this advanced calculator is that you can get the factors of algebraic expressions as well. Even, you get the answer of the problems to evaluate the factors of the equations quickly, you should know about the factors and algebraic expressions.

About the factors
You may learn the factors of numbers in previous classes. If a number completely divides a digit, so it is called as the factor of that digit. Consider the factors of 18 that are 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18. You will find that all these factors of 18 will divide it completely. Factors are used in many places like in the fractions to find the lowest form of a fraction. Similarly, it is commonly used to simplify as well as solve the algebraic equations.

What are the different algebraic equations?

Algebra is a vast subject for students as it covers plenty of topics. There are various kinds of equations used in it. However, the common equations may include the quadratic, binomial, nominal, polynomial and exponential equations. However, a right online factor calculator has the ability to simplify these equations by factoring.

How to factor the expressions?
You will have a better idea if you read the solved problems below.
1.    Factor 2x+4xy= 
In this problem, 2x and (1+2y) are the two factors of the given equation. So, simplifying the equation means factoring the equation. Factoring refers to split the equation in to product form as done in the solved example.

1.    Factor 2xy+3yz
In this problem, you cannot simplify it as it has no factors except 1. In this case, it is called as a prime expression.

How to check the factors of an algebraic equation?
The most common way to check the factors of a number is to multiply any two suitable factors. In the case of algebraic equations, you can also multiply the products of the answer to cross check your answer easily. In the first solved problem, if you multiply both the products that are 2x and (1+2y) properly, you will get the original expression back. It is important to verify your answer and find whether you factored the equation correctly or not. Another great alternative is to use the factor calculator to check your answer quickly.

How will Calculator help you?
The calculator is designed to get the equation having terms combined by addition and subtraction into product form. Also, you can get an accurate factor of the quadratic and polynomial equations as well. It is an online calculator, so you can easily access it without the need of downloading. Also, it provides the factored form quickly that can save your time. You can learn to simply the algebraic equations as well. The reason is that the factor calculator provides step by step solution.

Monday, May 1, 2017

How to Use Equation Solver?

Mathematical equations are those equations with an equal sign in between them. The equations are categorized into linear equations, which could consist of one, two or three variables, radical equations, exponential equations and quadratic equations.

What is an equation solver?

An equation solver is basically the formula to use in order to solve an equation. The formula can be, complete square method, factoring, quadratic formula. Most of them are used to solve quadratic equations.
The complete square method is appropriate to use especially when the factoring a quadratic equation does not work. It can also be applicable when finding irrational and complex roots.
How it work:
Take the equation to be  

On the other hand, quadratic formula is best used to solve a quadratic equation when neither complete square method nor factoring method produces the right results or is hard to use in certain equations. It can also be used by someone who is in a hurry but also knows how to use the formula.

The formula looks like this: 

X, in this case, will represent the variable we are looking for while the other letters a, be and c are random numbers. They are used as numerical coefficients of any given quadratic equation.
An example of a quadratic equation resembles the equation below.
 A linear equation can have one variable like 4x+10= 6 

Or two variables like the equation below 6y+5y= 12

Or even three variables like equation below. 2x+5y-9z

Solving practical example

Let us take a practical look at how to solve an equation using any the mentioned methods.

Our quadratic equation will be.  

We will use the quadratic formula as our equation solver in our case.

Since we know that

Then solving the equation will not be that difficult. As usual, we will substitute letters a, b and c in the formula with the values 1, 3 and -9. The equation will change to be 

After doing the calculations and doing it correctly, the values for x here should be 1.854 and -4.855. If your answer is different from mine, you need to double check your steps again. Chances are, you missed a step, or you forgot to input a certain value or may have substituted the values for a, b and c wrongly. Do that, and I am sure you will land on an answer that is same to mine.

Did I forget to mention that if you do not know how to use any of the formulas, I touched on at the top of this article where you can get help? I think I did. Let me tell you where you can go and learn all what I have mentioned here. The site is It is really helpful most to those who did not understand what their math teacher or lecturer, depending on your level of education, taught. You may have missed a math class too. The best you can do to catch up with the rest of the class is to visit this site and start learning.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Have you ever been told to draw a Graph?

Seriously, has your teacher or your lecturer or your tutor has ever given you an equation and told you to draw a graph after solving it? If you are clueless about you will waste most of your time trying to figure out how to do that. Anyway, an equation that has two variables e.g. x and y is called a linear equation.

The mentioned variables are commonly used worldwide to create a linear equation. However, some math books could use p and q, or a and b to create equations.

Most of the time a linear equation is something that has been written down for you to see it. It could look something like this
 3x + 5y = 12 or p= 8q -15. These are examples of linear equations.

The above equation is pretty clear or straight forward. Nonetheless, you can come across an equation which has been written in words. In this case, you have to carefully follow the instructions in order to come up with the write equation.

Want to learn how to solve a linear equation?

It is one thing to correctly deduce an equation from a given sentence and another to solve it. If you think linear equations are giving you headaches when trying to solve them, you should start smiling because there is a better way to do it. All you need to do is to go in line and browse to This is a site that will give you a better view of solving linear equations. The examples here are many, and all of them have been clearly solved step wise. So, if you get lost along the way, you can easily retrace your steps up until the place where you had understood.

Learn how to draw a graph.

Let us say that you have understood how to solve linear equations, you can never stop there, that is, if you want to score all the marks for that question. Normally, all linear equations lead to values that can be used to draw a graph. Drawing a graph at some point may even earn you more marks than getting the solution of the equation given.

Again, QuickMath will take you through all the steps that are there to draw a graph. I will encourage students or whoever wants to draw a graph, to go through the provided steps. That way, he or she will have a clear understanding of drawing linear graphs. Tutors and lecturers can take advantage of this site too to gain more knowledge on graphs. Once you are satisfied that you can draw graphs, you can use the first example I gave above. Make sure that you solve it and then draw a graph afterward. Will check you sometimes answer later.

So, for tutors and lecturers or teachers, good luck with the tutoring/teaching /lecturing the students! While for the students, all the best in sitting for that math Continuous Assessment Test (C.A.T) or that final exam!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hire Perfect Solutions for Accurate Graphs

The technology makes you face you problems with ease. You take advantage of technology in various areas like in life styles, study and many more. You have better choice of management with the help of technical gadgets and devices. If you are looking to hire best thing as study material then you have different choices for selections. You are advisers to fulfill your needs with latest and most recommended software as study materials. As you are reading in books as you can search for various topics and chapter in the software. It is convenient for you to manage for your needs from large collections. There are various firms available that provides best bad unique features for your comfort and wellness. While you are going to choose better one for you there are various things to consider. But now you cannot imagine the growth of technology. You can easily find out your desired specifications. You can easily find online graphing calculator and access in seconds.
Online Graphing Calculator
Graphing Calculator

Get accurate graph solutions
If you are getting bored and have no interest in math then it is time to make your study more interesting. You spend your most of time in drawing graphs in note books and after results you find that the graph you created was not perfect. Many time these faults come against you and you have no solution to waste your time again and again. You can assist these issues with best technology tools. If you want to get quick results to maintain perfect and accurate graph the there are various tools available online. You can use the different tabs for your convenience. You have opportunity to choose online graphing calculator from large collections according to your desired features. You need to add function to make graph. It is quite easy and effective. There are separate tab offered for your convenience. After submitting your function you have tab to process for next step. You just click that tab and the results is in front of you just after clicking the tab. It is more effective and time saving. You would forget writing in notebooks after using it.

Apply various functions
You have choice to get results for different functions like statistics, trigonometric, vector and scientific calculations. It is easy to mange for your needs and assists your issues for various section and topic. The software is available for your needs at any time you want. While you are at homes or in schools you can use it anytime and anywhere. This is really a best choice to make accurate and useful graphs for your study. You have choice to get solutions for various functions in just few clicks. With the help of online graphing calculator your home work will complete in less time and the saved time you can use for other reasons to enhance your standard and increasing your skills in various topics of syllabus.

There are various options you have to choose for needs. It is easy to get your needs fulfilled among different study software. You are now able to grow your skills and get top ranks in classroom. 

Friday, March 31, 2017

Choose Software to Assist for Study Issues

You can increase you skills an make yourself more confident and intelligent. The technology is become very necessary for all aspects of life. In the studies technology play important role. You have best opportunity to make your selections for various latest techniques are using as study materials. The use of computers is common in classrooms. This is convenient for students to prepare for exams with high quality techniques and superb and fine technology. Are you facing problems in mathematics the use the helping software for your convenience? It is very easy to use and perform as teacher for you. You feel hesitation while asking normal and easy topics from instructor. And you have fear in mind that the students will laugh on you. So it is the time to assist this issue and make you confident to ask anything from the software. Mathematical software is fully enveloped with all concepts and chapters. You can choose different topics and contents for your purpose. You can do various function to multiplying fractions.

Multiply fractions
The numbers are in form of numerator and denominator is known as fractions. It is quite easy to m multiply the fractions numbers. If you want to get quick solution for these expressions then you have need to hire best software. The software enveloped with various beneficial features and performs as teacher for you. And you can save you time by multiplying different and large fraction numbersThis is easy to solve tough and large numbers in seconds. The process of multiplying fractions is very simple and easy.

Hire expert solution
There are various solutions available for study materials. You have needed to hire best and perfect solutions that meet your needs. If you are facing any kind of issues related to mathematics then you can add technology to get reliable results. The software available contains features that are beneficial for you to get short tricks and best way of applying formula. You can get all the quotes and contents related to use of formula. There are all categories available for trigonometric, statistics, algebra and other related formula. Among various options and great rush of varieties you have to choose best and expert solutions for your issues. There are different brands and companies offer software with several features. Just check out the beneficial one for you and hire it for study with best tools and tabs. You can choose best one for multiplying fractions with easy process.

Explanation of formula and solutions
You can make your selection for better software. There are categories available for your convenient you can check the services and features in gallery. Quotes and contents available for related features as well. The software are featured with such tools that you can ask for explanations and they will bring you all concepts and use of formula in the questions. This will be best choice and solution for all your issues and quires. You can become perfect and professional in math by hiring unique and best medium of study. It will play beneficial role to increase your skills and make you able to reach at top ranks.