Sunday, April 16, 2017

Have you ever been told to draw a Graph?

Seriously, has your teacher or your lecturer or your tutor has ever given you an equation and told you to draw a graph after solving it? If you are clueless about you will waste most of your time trying to figure out how to do that. Anyway, an equation that has two variables e.g. x and y is called a linear equation.

The mentioned variables are commonly used worldwide to create a linear equation. However, some math books could use p and q, or a and b to create equations.

Most of the time a linear equation is something that has been written down for you to see it. It could look something like this
 3x + 5y = 12 or p= 8q -15. These are examples of linear equations.

The above equation is pretty clear or straight forward. Nonetheless, you can come across an equation which has been written in words. In this case, you have to carefully follow the instructions in order to come up with the write equation.

Want to learn how to solve a linear equation?

It is one thing to correctly deduce an equation from a given sentence and another to solve it. If you think linear equations are giving you headaches when trying to solve them, you should start smiling because there is a better way to do it. All you need to do is to go in line and browse to This is a site that will give you a better view of solving linear equations. The examples here are many, and all of them have been clearly solved step wise. So, if you get lost along the way, you can easily retrace your steps up until the place where you had understood.

Learn how to draw a graph.

Let us say that you have understood how to solve linear equations, you can never stop there, that is, if you want to score all the marks for that question. Normally, all linear equations lead to values that can be used to draw a graph. Drawing a graph at some point may even earn you more marks than getting the solution of the equation given.

Again, QuickMath will take you through all the steps that are there to draw a graph. I will encourage students or whoever wants to draw a graph, to go through the provided steps. That way, he or she will have a clear understanding of drawing linear graphs. Tutors and lecturers can take advantage of this site too to gain more knowledge on graphs. Once you are satisfied that you can draw graphs, you can use the first example I gave above. Make sure that you solve it and then draw a graph afterward. Will check you sometimes answer later.

So, for tutors and lecturers or teachers, good luck with the tutoring/teaching /lecturing the students! While for the students, all the best in sitting for that math Continuous Assessment Test (C.A.T) or that final exam!

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